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Today in God's word

Today in God's Word—January 2023 East Tallassee Church of Christ January 26, 2 Timothy 1 As pilgrims on a journey, we should remember three important things. We should reflect on where we’ve come from, envision where we’re going and pay attention to where we are along the way.

Paul’s words about his ancestors who served God and Timothy’s faithful grandmother and mother remind me of Isaac Newton’s famous line in a letter to his rival Robert Hooke in 1676: “If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” That’s true about our spiritual maturity and understanding. If we think we learned on our own, we’re ignorant of our indebtedness to many who preceded us. Even if you’re the first Christian in many generations in your family and you came to know Christ by your own study, you’re still a debtor to generations of scholars who provided you with tools for learning the will of God. Most of us can name mentors who led the first faltering steps of our faith journey. Not all of them were relatives, but were nonetheless our ancestors in the faith. There’s no room for pride about all we’ve figured out that previous generations didn’t know. We’re standing on their shoulders. God originated the plan before the world began and revealed it long before we came along to discern it. It’s wise to remember where we came from.

It’s also essential to pay close attention to where we’re going. Paul taught Timothy that Jesus had abolished death and brought immortality to light through the gospel. This is no dead-end trail we’re following. It leads to life. We’ve got God’s word on it. Paul trusted God’s promises. He was convinced a day of reward was coming. It’s easy to get caught up in the present and lose sight of the future. While living for Jesus is good for life and relationships here, we realize the real benefit when we contemplate death, the judgment and eternity. We’re all headed there. It’s wise to remember that and be energized by it.

People on a journey should pay attention along the way. I’ve missed more than one turn by failing to grasp where I was along a route. So Paul urged Timothy to fan into flame his gifts, and to live fearlessly in God’s power, love and self-control. The old apostle knew a lot about suffering, and he advised his son in the faith to share suffering for the gospel, and to never be ashamed of his suffering. He exhorted him to follow the pattern of the teaching he’d learned from his mentor, and guard with the Spirit’s help what had been entrusted to him. It’s good to reflect on those who’ve preceded us, on whose shoulders we stand, and give thanks for them. Whether you’re enjoying or enduring the present, there’s great motivating power in looking to the future we’ve been promised. And in this day, itself a gift from God, we should live with confidence, courage and clarity.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament, Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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