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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—May 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

May 27, Job 1

There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil. -Job 1:1

The problem of suffering is universal in a world cursed by sin. Suffering in some form or another comes to everyone who lives in a body of flesh. The book of Job is the story of a godly man who suffered intensely. He suffered financial ruin, desperate loss, grief and physical malady. He did not know what was happening or why he was subjected to such suffering, but his faith and trust in God did not waver. The book of Job does not explain the problem of suffering or provide a remedy for escaping it. But it does teach us how a man or woman of God should view suffering and how a person of faith triumphs over it.

Job was a blessed man. He was called the greatest man among the people of the east. He had great wealth, a big family and he was a man of integrity and honor. The events described in the book fit the patriarchal period of time since Job acted as a family priest, offering sacrifices for his children.

Job was such an outstanding example of righteousness that God called Satan’s attention to Job as a blameless and upright man who feared God and turned away from evil. The name Satan means accuser or adversary, and in the first chapters of Job Satan surely lives up to his name. He acknowledged Job's righteous conduct, but accused and challenged Job’s motive for doing right. He speculated that Job only served God for what he could get out of doing so. Satan suggested that if God were to withdraw his hand of blessing and protection that the righteous Job would curse God to his face.

So God gave Satan permission to take Job's wealth and possessions from him, but restricted Satan from touching Job's person. So Satan in one day stole Job's fortune in livestock and destroyed his family, killing all ten of his children at once. After surviving servant messengers

delivered the devastating news, Job wept and worshiped. But he did not blame or accuse God.

Job is a great model for you and me. If we want to be faithful to God regardless of what comes in life, we should learn from Job's sterling example. What a great parent he was! He prayed for his children by name, day by day. Do we parents do that? Godliness brings blessings of its own, but it does not prevent a godly person from suffering pain or loss. Job blessed the Lord in both gain and loss, in joy and sorrow. He had questions without answers. But he kept trusting and blessing the Lord, regardless. How many times have we been discouraged and tempted to give up from much less adversity?

This chapter is a dark and accurate portrait of Satan. Satan is ruthlessly malevolent and exquisitely cruel. He is a liar. Satan lies to us and about us. He lied about God to Adam and Eve, and he lied about Job to God. Why should we ever, under any circumstance trust such an evil, lying enemy whose goal is to destroy our faith and us as well?

This chapter also shows us some important things we should remember about God. Remember that God sees and knows his people. Never doubt that God is in complete control of everything. He allowed Satan to attack Job to prove Job's faithfulness. The test also exposed Satan's character and proved he was wrong about Job. God not only permitted the trial. He limited it.

The book of Job may not answer all our questions about suffering, but it does teach us what we need to know to endure and overcome it. Some scholars think Job may be the oldest story in the world. But it is a thoroughly modern subject. Every person has known or will know some kind of suffering. That includes you and me. Let's pay close attention to this godly man's example and find encouragement and instruction for our own suffering,

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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