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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—June 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

June 7, Job 12

”No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you." - Job 12:2

We English speakers trace our word “sarcasm” back to a Greek word for "flesh.” It has specific reference to tearing the flesh. Maybe that’s why we sometimes describe sarcasm as "biting.” Sarcasm is speech that means the opposite of what the speaker really thinks. We usually intend to insult or irritate the person we address with sarcasm.

Sometimes there is humor in the irony of sarcasm, but making our listener laugh is not usually what we have in mind when we say sarcastic things. Job was being sarcastic, not humorous and certainly not complimentary when he told Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, “No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you.” He was frustrated because they offered no compassion and help. Their words only added to his terrible suffering. He rejected their callous judgment, and refused and refuted their "wisdom" that concluded he must be a notorious sinner because his suffering was so intense. His friends/critics were conceited, arrogant and judgmental as they spoke their “wisdom.” They were caustic and dogmatic in their hateful false premise drawn from their flawed theology.

Job told them they all knew some wicked people who prospered in spite of their wickedness.They knew robbers and idolaters who were wealthy despite their sinful rebellion against God. Job insisted that such people disproved their hypothesis. Job refused to concede that his wickedness caused his suffering. Job even appealed to the school of nature. The plant and animal kingdoms gave clear evidence that the aggressive predators often thrived and prospered while the meeker and milder species around them became their prey. Job said that all nature knows it is in God's hands.

Job insisted that he and his accusers, along with nations and rulers, were all in the hands of God. The visitors thought they were a great source or at least a conduit of the wisdom that convicted Job. But Job told them God was the source of all wisdom and strength. Their "wise ones" and "mighty ones" were blind and powerless apart from God’s enabling gracious gifts. Job defended himself from the vicious attack on his character and integrity. He responded to their accusations and pious condescension with bitter sarcasm.

Let's focus on two ideas from this chapter. Both will help us when we are suffering and when other people are unkind and unhelpful. First, remember that the great God of the universe is present and firmly in control of the very smallest things as well as kings and great nations. Any people who really are wise got their wisdom from God. It ought to comfort and encourage us to know he’s in control.

Let’s remember to be very careful with sarcasm. Remember its roots in “tearing the flesh.” The Lord calls us to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted, not to rip them in their frail state of brokenness. Our speech is supposed to be (along with the rest of our lives) under the control of God's Spirit, not our own flesh. It might be better to say nothing at all when we are sorely tempted to use sarcasm to respond to a critic or adversary. The biting smart remark might feel good the moment we say it, but it can do lots of lasting harm. That's the opposite of our calling to be a blessing and light to those around us. Sarcastic replies have no place in our speech that is supposed to be "always with grace, seasoned with salt." If we are in the habit of speaking with sarcasm, it's one more sign that our tongues need to be tamed and brought under the Lordship of Jesus.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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