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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—July 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

July 24, Ecclesiastes 12

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Old folks reminisce about it. Middle aged people grasp to hold onto it or reclaim some of its spark, or at least its appearance. Advertisers recognize its appeal. Poets celebrate it. What is it? One last clue: Ponce de Leon searched for its fountain. Yes, it's youth. Like so many blessings, those who possess this treasure are not really conscious of its value until it begins to slip away from them.

Solomon admonished young people to remember their Creator while they were still young. We make decisions in our youth that shape the rest of our life. When we make God our focus and his commandments our guide while we are young, we will know more joy and satisfaction, and less pain and regret.

Solomon advised young people to remember God while they were young because they would not remain young forever. If God spares our lives, we will grow old. Solomon described old age with one of the longest and most detailed collections of metaphors in the Bible. In poetic imagery, he described our decline. We don't see as well as we used to. We are not as strong as we once were, and we may be missing some teeth. We become hard of hearing and wake up early. We are unsteady on a ladder. Our hair turns gray. Things we once lifted and carried with ease are now too heavy. We're easily frightened, more prone to fall and less driven by appetite and other desires. We become more aware that the song, "This world is not my home, I'm just a-passing through" is right. We realize we won't be here forever.

Solomon presses on with the description. One day the mourners will gather and we will leave this temporary address and go to our eternal home. Only then will we truly grasp how

important it was to serve God in your youth and on throughout our lives.

Earlier in the book, in his "under the sun" phase, Solomon questioned whether or not we were any different from the beasts that die and return to dust. But here at the end, he knew and said that our bodies do return to dust, but our God- given spirits return to him.

It's best to remember and serve God from the time we are young throughout our lives. It's the best way to live, face death and prepare for eternity. Solomon wrote his signature statement one last time that summarizes all other ways to live and die: "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."

Like an Afterword from the author, Solomon explained his process in writing the book. To teach us all knowledge, he carefully arranged memorable sayings, and searched for ways to express the truth that would delight the readers. He wanted his words to be a goad, to provoke us to action. He wanted his talking points to be like nails driven deep in our minds. He knew those words of guidance for the sheep had come from their one true Shepherd, the Lord.

Now at the end of his confession about his search for meaning and satisfaction that ended in emptiness, Solomon concluded: "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." His final words remind us that we will account to God for every good or bad thing we've done in life. Youth will slip away. Old age will be followed by death. We will face God our Creator in judgment and go out into eternal reward or eternal punishment. Solomon summarized many of the great doctrines of the Bible in his closing words, and made it clear to all of us that any other course in life ends in despair and emptiness.

My friend, I don't want my life or yours to end that way. God loves us so much. He gave his Son for us! He wants to save us from the guilt and despair and destruction that comes from serving self, sin and Satan. There is no greater duty or higher calling for us than to "Fear God and keep his commandments." You and I will

never be younger than we are today. It’s a good day to start or continue to respect and obey God.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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