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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—August 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

August 1, Luke 8

“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” It’s reasonable to expect the one who knew the secrets of the hearts and was himself the light of the world to bring secret things to light.

Jesus spoke in parables to reveal the secrets of the kingdom to his followers, but to conceal them from the hard-hearted rejecters. When he explained the parables to the disciples, the mysterious realm of the spiritual and eternal became as real to them as the everyday matters of sowing seeds and gathering harvests. The potential was in all the seed; the condition of the hearts into which it fell determined the success or failure of the crop.

When Jesus asked questions, it was to clarify the situation for the people involved, revealing the truth they needed to see. To terrified disciples who thought they were about to drown, he asked, “Where is your faith?” even as he rebuked the threatening wind. To the demon possessed man of the Gerasenes, he asked “What is your name?” In the press of the crowd, Jesus asked “Who was it that touched me?” Jesus was not seeking information unknown to him when he asked such questions. All these and others he asked brought secret, hidden things to light. He saw the weakness of the disciples’ faith and the strength of the woman’s. Everything is manifest to him.

Some are called by name, others are not, but the women who supported Jesus and his disciples are forever remembered for their personal, practical support of the mission. Although their role would be viewed by some as secondary or behind the scenes, it became manifest, well-known, when Luke wrote it down for Theophilus and for the ages.

The good news about the kingdom and his mighty demonstrations of power were just impossible to keep quiet. The man who had been possessed by demons became a living

manifestation of the power of Jesus as he modeled his new way of life and told people throughout the city how much Jesus had done for him. The woman who was healed when she touched his garment came forward to explain why she did it and what happened when she did it. And though the little girl’s parents were told not to tell, how long do you think it took for the news of the little girl’s return from death to be known among those who were so sure she was dead they had laughed at Jesus when he said she was sleeping?

Today, know that the condition of your heart soil, the strength of your faith and the faithfulness of your quiet service are manifest to him. Know that the Master of the elements, of demons, of disease and of death itself sees you, knows you and will make everything known.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament, Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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