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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—August 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

August 29, Hebrews 4

When I was a boy, at church we sometimes sang a song that always seemed a little creepy to me. It was about “an all-seeing eye watching you.” Maybe I’d seen too many old movies, but that song always conjured up images of a giant eyeball monster, watching every move I made. I didn’t want to think about God like that, but the song seemed to warn me he was just such a frightening being.

When we’re immature, we may imagine God as a cosmic hall monitor, watching for any transgression of the rules so he can punish us. I suppose I had to grow up and have children of my own before I could really find the comfort instead of the threat in the idea of God watching us constantly. As parents, we watch our children to protect them and help them. True enough, we sometimes see them do things that call for correction, but the idea of parental vigilance is more comforting than threatening.

I also noticed my little children asked to be watched when they felt some threat or when they wanted to show some new skill they’d learned. I remember doing the same thing as a child. I was somewhat less interested in Mom or Dad’s observation when I was sneaking around to do something I wasn’t supposed to do.

How do you feel about being “naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account”? His word pierces to the center of our being, discerning our thoughts and intentions. There’s no faking it or hiding from God. I suspect we’re all OK with that when, like little children, we want God to see and know the good things we’re doing and

the progress we’re making. It’s when I’m ashamed of my disobedience that I’m uncomfortable with his continuous gaze. Either way, knowing God witnesses all we say, do and think is a powerful motivator to do the right thing.

This is about trusting God. If our lives are characterized by the unbelief and disobedience that doomed the Exodus generation of Israel to die in the wilderness, we’re not likely to want him to watch us. But if we trust he loves us, we can relax and bask in the assurance of his watchful care. When we see Jesus as our sympathetic high priest who understands weakness and temptation because he’s “been there,” it’s comforting to know he sees us. God so wants us to share his rest that he helps us every step of the way, offering mercy and grace to all who approach him through Christ.

I still think the song about the big eyeball is creepy, but I’m glad he’s watching me.

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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