Today in God's Word—August 2023
East Tallassee Church of Christ
August 31, Hebrews 6
Our hearts break when we see people whose mental or physical condition keeps them from developing normally toward maturity. We realize their lives are limited to some extent. They may excel in other ways, have sparkling personalities or unusual aptitudes, but we regret that in the area of life where they have some impairment, they will not be like their peers.
It’s also heartbreaking to see a believer who does not continue to make progress toward spiritual maturity. Sad but true, some who make a profession of faith do not continue in it; their lives do not match their words. The writer clearly warns about the possibility of tasting the heavenly gift, sharing in the Holy Sprit, tasting the goodness of the word and the power of God and falling away. Sadly, he says it is impossible to restore some to repentance. Instead of being fruitful and productive fields for God’s glory, they bear no valuable fruit and are in danger of being cursed and destroyed.
The writer was confident that God’s salvation, rewards and blessings were coming for his readers. He encouraged them to earnestly imitate the great heroes of faith who received God’s promises when they endured and trusted in him. Our hope and confidence is not in our endurance or performance, but in God’s faithfulness. Just as he swore to Abraham about incredible things that surely came to pass, God has assured us of eternal life with an unbreakable oath. Our hope is anchored in a realm beyond our ability to see and know, in a place where Jesus has already gone as our high priest.
But we must press on toward maturity in Christ. We must not even think of turning back. That’s not because we’re earning or meriting a reward by our diligence. Our progress is evidence of God’s work in us, and our obedience is the fruit of our trust in him. We must endure and obey with the fullest assurance that God will see, remember and reward our loving service offered in his name. We don’t know all God has in store for us, but we know enough to realize we don’t want to miss it. We know his promises are true and trustworthy. There’s no way to invest our lives that will bring a greater return, and nothing else to trust that will give us more confidence.
Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.