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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—September 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

September 13, Isaiah 6

In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of his robe filled the temple. - Isaiah 6:1

Centuries before Isaiah lived, the people of Israel called a prophet a "seer." Whether the prophet "foretold" something that would happen in the future or "forth told" a message that God gave them, they were revealers. They told people things they had seen and heard by revelation from God. Since this information from the Lord often came in the form of a dream or a vision, the prophet or seer had the reputation of seeing things that ordinary people didn't or couldn't see.

Chapter 6 begins with Isaiah's awesome vision of the Lord. But the chapter also shows us some other things Isaiah saw that we need to see.

Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up in his majesty. One of the six-winged seraphim who accompanied the Lord proclaimed the Lord's holiness and glory. The smoke and the loud sounds that accompanied the Lord's presence terrified Isaiah. In the bright light of God's holiness and majesty, he saw himself as a doomed, unclean man who was about to die because of his close encounter with God. But instead of striking him dead, a seraph brought a burning coal from the altar, purged Isaiah's unclean mouth and told him his guilt had been removed and atonement had been made for his sins.

Next Isaiah heard the Lord's voice asking for a volunteer. Without knowing the mission or the message, Isaiah answered the call. God's majesty and grace motivated the prophet to step forward and accept the call to go.

The message God gave Isaiah to deliver to his people was not good news. Since they had chosen to harden their hearts toward God, he would harden them as well. Israel would be without understanding, blind and deaf to the message from God. They would be destroyed

by enemies who would kill many and take survivors captive. The nation was doomed, but a small remnant would remain. God's promises would remain intact, but the nation would be dissolved.

We do not literally see the things Isaiah saw. But we can see (receive, understand) the message God gave him if our minds are not dull, our ears are not heavy and our eyes are not blind. Isaiah saw the Lord in the year that King Uzziah died. We need to see him in the year of our own personal tragedy, disappointment and trial. He saw God on his throne, like John would see him centuries later in Revelation. We need to know that God is on his throne, firmly in control and sovereign over all things that disturb or threaten us. Isaiah saw God's holiness, and we need a clear vision of God's great holiness to be humbled and have a proper regard for his mighty power. Isaiah saw himself as a ruined sinner before this holy God. We all need to see ourselves as broken, needy, doomed people apart from God's gracious intervention.

Isaiah saw the seraph with the coal who purified his lips. We need to see the absolute necessity of God acting in his grace to take away our guilt and atone for our sins that separate us from him. Self-righteousness melts away when we realize we are helpless and hopeless without God's grace.

When Isaiah heard the call, he responded. This cleansed and grateful man did not ignore the call. He did not disqualify himself or make excuses for why he couldn't go. Like Paul told Titus, grace not only purifies us, it makes us eager to do good works. When we see the blessing of salvation as clearly as Isaiah saw his transformed state, we will be ready to answer God's call on our lives, too.

God showed Isaiah the coming doom of Israel because of their stubborn rejection of God. He also assured him that there would be a remnant, a stump of Israel remaining after the tree of Israel had been cut down. Through that

remnant and to that remnant, God would keep his promises to Abraham and bring Messiah into the world. Can we see and accept the great news of the gospel and the salvation God offers in Christ? Will you and I choose to respond instead of reject and be in the remnant that will be saved and not the multitude that will be destroyed

I trust you would agree that there's a lot for us to see and ponder in what Isaiah saw. May God save us from dull hearts, deaf ears and blind hearts that refuse to see and respond.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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