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Today in God’s Word

September 23, Isaiah 16

But now the LORD has spoken, saying, "In

three years, like the years of a hired worker, the

glory of Moab will be brought into contempt, in

spite of all his great multitude, and those who

remain will be very few and feeble.”

- Isaiah 16:14

You're probably familiar with limited time offers.

The manufacturer or seller of some product or

service offers a reduced price until a specified

date. Maybe you’ve heard the term referring to

a special menu item or some service that’s

available until a certain date, after which it's no

longer offered.

We read in Chapter 15 about Isaiah's

compassionate heart cry for the ruined people

of Moab. In Chapter 16, Isaiah wrote about an

offer of hope and shelter God offered the fleeing Moabites. The Lord invited the Moabites to leave the altars of the high places where they

worshiped idols and bring their sacrifices to

Jerusalem. He instructed the people of Judah to grant the Moabites who came to them

sanctuary. The scattered and harried Moabites

could enjoy shelter and protection among the

Israelites in Judah until the threat passed. Their

situation was hopeless, but God offered them

peace and protection among his people.

But the Moabites were too proud to accept the

offer. They were too entrenched in idolatry to

turn to God. Isaiah was broken-hearted, but the

Moabites rejected the offer of safety and

protection God had offered. The prophet wept,

but the limited time offer to the Moabites would

expire. Only a few feeble people would remain

of what had once been a great multitude.

Do you hear the essence of the gospel itself in

Isaiah 16? Can you see Messiah and detect the

blessings of salvation offered to Gentiles in his

kingdom? Can you hear the offer of deliverance

and sanctuary coming from its point of origin in

Jerusalem? Those Moabites who accepted

God's offer and came to Jerusalem had to leave

their idols behind.

Their pride would be the major obstacle to their

salvation. Can you see the same demands in

the gospel call to humble ourselves and repent?

Also, the call to leave their pride and idols

behind was a limited-time offer. God told Isaiah

that time for the scattered Moabites to respond

was counting down. In three years, time would

run out, the offer would expire, and once proud

Moab would be ruined and scorned.

Just so, God's offer to save us in Christ is a rich

and wonderful opportunity. But it is a limited-

time offer. God invites Jews and Gentiles alike

to come to Christ and be saved. But the offer is

limited to here and now. In Jesus' story about

the wise and foolish virgins, the wise ones were

ready when the bridegroom came. They went

into the celebration with him, and the door was

shut. When the foolish ones came knocking, it

was too late. The door was closed. The

invitation had expired.

These chapters are about far more than the fate

of an ancient nation. They're about you and me,

and our hopeless condition without Christ.

They're about Christ and how he becomes the

hope of the hopeless who humble themselves

and come to him. They're about Jews and

Gentiles being welcome in Christ's kingdom.

And they're about the urgency of the call to

come before it is too late and the limited-time

offer expires. For you or me that time to

respond will run out when we die, when the

Lord comes again or when we so harden our

hearts that we are incapable of responding. So

through Paul, the Lord admonishes, "Behold,

now is the favorable time; behold now is the day

of salvation." Wise folks will respond and be

ready when time runs out.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—September 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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