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Today in God’s Word

October 7, Isaiah 30

"Ah, stubborn children," declares the LORD, "who carry out a plan, but not mine, and who make an alliance, but not of my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin, who set out to go down to Egypt, without asking for my direction, to take refuge in the protection of Pharaoh, and to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt!" - Isaiah 30:1-2

It's not uncommon for a child to be stubborn. He wants something he can't have. Or she is determined to do something she wants to do. The child lacks both the knowledge and experience to understand that their self-willed determination to have and do what they want is going to bring them pain and frustration. Their parents have more experience. They know such things, and try to restrain or redirect the willful child's chosen course. When hurt or disappointment comes, the parent consoles the wailing child and says, "I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen."

The threatening Assyrians were bearing down on God's people in Judah. Frantic and desperate, the Israelites scrambled to form an alliance with Egypt to protect themselves from the Assyrians. They made their plan and acted without listening to God’s plan. They acted in defiance against God. The unauthorized alliance would not bring the help or protection they sought. Egypt's help would also prove to be worthless and empty. The Israelites who chose to align with Egypt would suffer shame and disgrace they could have avoided had they only listened to God's wise counsel and direction.

God sent Isaiah to go with an indictment. He wrote the indictment on a tablet and in a book to formally charge the people with rebellion, lying and refusal to listen to God. They did not want to hear from God and tried to suppress the faithful prophet's warnings and appeals. They did not want to turn from their sins of oppression and perversity. They chose a path and took action that led to devastating ruin. They thought they could flee on swift horses. God responded that they would indeed flee, but their pursuers had swifter and better horses. Like a loving parent, God told them the way they could be spared the loss and suffering their choice was going to bring. If they had been willing, they could have returned to God and found rest instead of tribulation. If they had trusted God and waited quietly for him to act, they would have enjoyed the protection of his strength.

Even after all their defiant disobedience, God wanted to be gracious to his people. He reminded them of his power, his mercy and his justice. He could and would protect them. He would take them back, and they could be blessed by mercy they didn't deserve. But the Lord assured them their enemies would get the justice they deserved.

When they cried out to him and forsook their idols, God was waiting and willing to be gracious to them. They could enjoy abundant rain and plentiful harvests. They could celebrate even as God worked on their behalf to destroy their enemies. God was willing and able to do all this for them. Their own stubbornness was the only barrier to enjoying the Lord’s blessing.

How often are we like stubborn, defiant children or these ancient people of God? We block our own blessings when we persist in disobedience. We can never save ourselves, but that doesn't stop some of us from trying to do the impossible. Our Savior is so willing to receive us, forgive us and bless us. But you and I must choose for ourselves to surrender our stubborn will to his will for us. Paul said that these Old Testament lessons were written for our learning. What does this lesson teach you and me?

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—October 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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