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Today in God’s Word

November 7, Isaiah 61

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,

because the LORD has anointed me to bring

good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind

up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the

captives, and the opening of the prison to those

who are bound; to proclaim the year of the

LORD’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our

God. - Isaiah 61:1-2

Sometimes pictures help us understand. The veteran Sunday School teacher has a library of pictures she’s collected through the years to help the children see and understand the Bible stories she tells them. You’ve probably tried to figure out how to assemble a child’s toy. Or perhaps the project was a piece of furniture from one of those places that sell large household furnishings in impossibly small flat boxes. Let’s hope the sense of accomplishment when the task is done outweighs the frustration you felt as you tried to follow directions that were in your language, but not written by a native speaker. In such cases, an illustration really helps.

Some students (and teachers) of Isaiah are not always sure about how to apply some of the words and passages in the text. Do they apply to something in the prophet’s lifetime? Is it something about Israel, Babylon and Cyrus? Or does it point through the centuries to something about Christ and his incarnation, his ministry, his death or resurrection or kingdom?

We do not have to wonder about the opening lines of Chapter 61. Jesus himself quoted them to the assembly at the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. He told them that what God promised through Isaiah 700 years before was being fulfilled that day in their presence. Jesus quoted another part of the opening lines when John the Baptist sent messengers to ask if he really was the Messiah. So we have confidence based on Jesus’ own word that these verses about Messiah were pointing ahead to him. He would be the friend and helper of the poor, the brokenhearted, those in bondage and those who were bound (or perhaps blind).

Isaiah gave us some pictures, word pictures, to show some of the blessings God would bestow on Messiah’s people. First, he described God’s comfort for mourners, saying he would exchange their ashes and garments of mourning for beautiful garments of praise. Later in the chapter he would say that the Lord would clothe the redeemed with garments of salvation and robes of righteousness. They would be as beautifully dressed as a happy bride and groom in their wedding finery. What sweet and true pictures of what the New Testament will describe as putting on Christ in baptism and being clothed with his righteousness, to be found spotless in him. It’s like a brand new wardrobe.

I also love the picture of Messiah’s people being “oaks of righteousness.” Imagine a tall, stately oak tree, healthy and strong. The Lord grew these mighty trees from little acorns, nurturing them to their full maturity to testify to his own glorious power. What a great picture of a newborn child of God in Christ, who grows and matures into a strong, confident man or woman of God!

Then the Lord gave Isaiah a word picture of workers rebuilding a ruined city to describe the new beginning, prosperity, honor and joy that God’s people would enjoy. Spiritual blessings are sometimes described with tangible, material objects to help us understand. That’s the case with the rebuilt city as well as the garden that sprouts with new life from seeds to produce a harvest. Messiah would save and empower his people to be new creations, vessels of honor and fruitful branches in his true vine. The harvest of righteousness in our lives and praise from our lips give glory to God who renewed us, gave us honor as his children and empowered us to bear fruit for his glory.

Some warnings are embedded in these words of grace as well. A day of vengeance will come for those who reject Christ. The LORD hates robbery and wrong, and will give them their own dark recompense. But the main emphasis in this chapter is the overflowing rich blessings God will pour out on his people through and in Jesus Christ. I’m sure you would agree that we want to be on the blessed side of God’s faithfulness, described at some length in this chapter. We surely do not want to be on the side of those Christ rejectors who will know the holy wrath of God’s vengeance.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—November 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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