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Today in God’s Word

November 12, Isaiah 66

“These have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations; I also will choose harsh treatment for them and bring their fears upon them, because when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, they did not listen; but they did what was evil in my eyes and chose that in which I did not delight.” - Isaiah 66:3-4

How many choices do you make in a day? For working people, the day’s choices might begin with whether or not we’re going to get out of bed and go to work. Since we have grown accustomed to eating regularly and sleeping indoors, most of us choose to get up and go to work. That early morning choice illustrates how choices come with consequences. We may be free to choose, but we are bound to accept the consequences that accompany the choices.

God told his people that their beloved temple was not suitable for his dwelling place. How could humans build a structure that could house God, the Creator of the universe? He had no regard for their temple in which they placed their confidence. Because their lives did not reflect any humility or respect for God, even their sacrifices were profane and worthless. God would punish those idolaters who lived godless lives and still claimed to be his people. But God looked with favor on the humble ones who were brokenhearted over the sin in their lives and in their nation. The Lord assured the righteous remnant that he would recompense the evil ones who taunted and persecuted them for their faith and godly lives.

Chapter 66 clearly shows the two Israels we’ve mentioned before. The apostate majority were destined for destruction along with their temple. The faithful minority were assured that the true Israel of God would expand and spread rapidly across the globe. The growth of Messiah’s kingdom would be so fast that it would seem like childbirth without labor. God would protect and nourish his new people in Christ as a nursing mother feeds and cares for her little baby. The faithful Israelites God addressed through Isaiah were blessed and assured of a glorious future.

The outlook was nothing like that for the rebels and idolaters. The Lord would come in flaming fire, with the sword of his vengeance drawn. Only misery and fire lay ahead for the ungodly, unfaithful majority in old Israel. They had become like the nations around them that did not know God, and would suffer the same fate. But the righteous minority who were faithful to God would see the opposite. They would be comforted, blessed and rewarded. Instead of becoming wicked like the Gentiles around them, they would see Gentiles coming to share the righteousness of Christ with them in the new kingdom of God as it spread from Jerusalem. Gentiles would be fully accepted and recognized as equals, even priests. This gathering of the nations takes place in the new Jerusalem, the new Israel, which is the body of Christ. God told them, “All flesh shall come to worship before me.” The message of the crucified Savior, his glorious resurrection and the love of God would spread across the empire like wildfire, bringing joy, new life and hope to all who would receive it.

You and I are privileged to live on this side of the cross, and to know the gospel. In Christ, Gentiles and Jews alike can join with the faithful saints who have lived through the centuries before us, in the ever-expanding kingdom of God in Christ. Let’s choose wisely. Let’s choose to honor and serve God, and to come to him through the Savior he gave for us. In Christ, you and I are heirs to the promise, “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.”

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—November 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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