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Today in God’s Word

November 21, Acts 9

The church was growing in Jerusalem and beyond as many people turned to Christ. An amazing change in one man’s life would bring many more to Jesus.

Do you know anyone who’s made a radical change? A conservative who’s become a liberal? A Democrat who turned into a Republican? A chocolate lover who now won’t even touch the stuff? (That’s a little extreme, I know.) Those examples are mere positional shifts compared to the 180 degree change that came to Saul of Tarsus.

The rising star of the Sanhedrin distinguished himself through tenacious persecution of Jesus’ followers. When disciples fled Jerusalem, Saul followed them with warrants to arrest and return any men or women he could find who were Jesus’ disciples. Then, on one bounty hunt to Damascus, everything changed for Saul. The Lord appeared and spoke to Saul. His traveling companions led Saul, blinded from the encounter, to Damascus. He fasted three days and nights in the darkness, waiting for the promised instructions.

Imagine for a moment that you are Ananias. You’ve heard of Saul and you know he is on his way to Damascus to arrest any disciples he could find. Then the Lord gives you the ultimate dreaded visitation assignment: “Go over to Straight Street, to Judas’ house. Saul is there. He knows you’re coming. He’s waiting for you.” You tell the Lord what you’ve heard about this terrorist. He insists that you go anyway, and says this one is a chosen instrument to carry his name. So you go. You touch him. You deliver the message. Saul’s sight returns. He is baptized. And then the persecutor is a preacher, proclaiming that Jesus of Nazareth is Messiah. You no longer wonder if it is possible for people to change.

The reactions to this transformation are predictable. The Jews go to their default plan for people who are persuading others to follow Jesus: they decide to kill Saul. Would-be assassins watch the gate day and night, waiting for an opportunity to kill the defector. After Saul escapes Damascus by the old “preacher in a basket” trick, he goes to Jerusalem. The believers there are understandably skeptical of his conversion when he wants to join them. Barnabas (who will later be Saul’s mission partner) vouches for Saul and persuades the disciples to trust him. Same bold preaching. Same Jewish plot. Same escape maneuvers. But a very different Saul. The road warrior against Jesus is bringing the same tenacity to his new assignment—a road warrior for Jesus.

Why is this important to you? Maybe you’re discouraged about someone who needs to change. You’ve waited, but it’s just not happening. You wonder, “Does anybody ever really does change?” This story says the answer is “Yes.” Maybe you’re disgusted by your own lack of progress as a Christian. You begin to doubt you’ve changed, or that it’s even possible to change. Take courage. When we, like Saul, settle the question of who we call “Lord,” amazing changes follow.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—November 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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