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Today in God’s Word

November 22, Acts 10

When Jesus commissioned the apostles to preach the gospel, the plan called for humans to tell other humans the good news. The Lord authenticated their testimony through miracles. God was working in the background—intersecting Philip with the Ethiopian, sending Ananias to Saul. But divine hands-on activity was needed for the next step in the expansion of the gospel beyond Judaism.

Cornelius was a good man who needed Christ. He was devout, generous and prayerful. But he was also a Gentile, a Roman soldier. An angel told him to send for Peter, who had something to say that Cornelius needed to hear. When Peter arrived, he wanted to know why he had been summoned to this Gentile’s house. Cornelius told him about the angel and the message from God. After hearing Cornelius’ story, Peter did not hesitate to tell Cornelius and his household about Jesus.

God had been working on Peter, too. A roof-top vision of a menagerie of clean and unclean animals wrapped in a sheet was accompanied by God’s own voice, telling hungry Peter to kill and eat. When Peter refused, he heard, “What God has made clean, do not call common.” After this happened three times, the men from Cornelius were at the gate, looking for Peter. Peter didn’t have all the answers yet, but he was far enough along to receive the guests and go with them the following day.

After Peter preached at Cornelius’ house, the Jews who had come with him were astonished when the Holy Spirit was poured out on Cornelius and the others there, just as it had happened on Pentecost. As the centurion and his friends learned how to be saved, the Jews learned that God intended for people of all nations to come to him through Christ. Peter had talked about it in the first sermon at Pentecost; now both preacher and audience were seeing it come true. No one present could object to these Gentiles being baptized in the name of Christ.

If you are not a follower of Jesus, the message for you is this: As good as Cornelius was, he needed Christ. No amount of kind benevolence, praying or any other demonstration of piety can take the place of knowing Christ as your Savior.

Salvation is in him, not morality or good works.

If you are a Christian, does your conduct show God is interested in every person without partiality? Peter and his Jewish brothers were overcoming centuries of cultural conditioning to align themselves with God’s plan. We can see the exclusiveness of the ancient Jews. Do we see it in ourselves? Our discrimination may be based on other criteria, but we need to acknowledge it exists, and overcome it with God’s help.

Aren’t you glad that God is working, drawing his people to himself? Will we be observant, and receptive to his guidance? Whose path will intersect with yours today or tomorrow to make an eternal difference?

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—November 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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