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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—February 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

February 26, 2 Chronicles 16

”For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him." - 2 Chronicles 16:9

It's always sad to see someone who started well finish poorly. It happens in business sometimes. A smart, talented young worker may capture the attention and draw praise from his superiors because of the excellent work he's done. But later in his career, the man may become careless and neglect to do even the minimum level or quality of work to keep his job. Maybe addiction or some other problem ruined him. But to his employer, he's become a liability. It happens in academics and sports and even in matters of faith.

Asa made an amazing start. He was careful to obey God's commands. He was zealous in practicing his faith, leading reform and opposing the evil idolatry in the land. When threatened by a million man army, he cried out to God and relied on the Lord to deliver them from the threat. He was nothing like the kings before him, and everything the leader of God's people should be. God blessed him with peace and prosperity for many years.

But Asa changed in the last years of his reign and life. His faith in God faded, and he made foolish choices. It was hard to recognize the once faithful, loyal obedient king. When King Baasha of Israel began his campaign against Judah, the same king who had so humbly called on God to deliver them from the Syrians tried to fix the problem himself. He hired mercenary muscle from Ben-hadad in Syria. He offered enough gold and silver that Ben-hadad broke his treaty with Israel and attacked them. Baasha had been building up Ramah to restrain his own people from emigrating to Judah or going to Jerusalem to worship. Israel's king had to leave his building project and go fight Syria. Judah then took all the building materials Israel

abandoned at Ramah and built a couple of cities for themselves.

It seemed that Asa's strategy had worked. But the prophet Hanani came and told Asa that he had made a serious error. He failed to rely on God as he had done in the past. He told the king who had taken matters into his own hands that God was willing and looking for opportunities to help his people who had blameless hearts. The prophet told the king that his failure would cost him victory over the Syrians and that he would have war instead of peace from then on in his life. Asa was so angry with what Hanani told him that he put the prophet in prison and even treated his own people cruelly.

In the last two years of Asa's life, he was plagued by a disease that started in his feet. Asa still did not call on the Lord, instead he trusted in his physicians to make him well. Asa commissioned a tomb to be cut out for him when he died. He had a big funeral, but the once faithful, obedient king seemed to die in stubborn, rebellious pride against the God who had helped and blessed him so much.

Asa’s tragic finish teaches us that yesterday's faith will not suffice to face today’s battles and temptations. It teaches us to humble ourselves and repent instead of rebelling in anger when God's word rebukes us. Asa reminds us that we should always call on God and not rely on ourselves to be smart enough, strong enough or rich enough to not need God's help. Let's guard our faith, keep it strong and fresh, and live by it every day of our lives.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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