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Today in God’s Word

December 9, Acts 27

You can be almost anywhere in the world tomorrow, thanks to today’s transportation technology. We complain about a few hours’ layover between flights. Imagine traveling with Paul and Luke, when the layover lasted all winter! Today, a massive snowstorm might shut down an airport for a day, but travel was suspended from fall to spring when Paul was headed to Rome.

Long distance travel was perilous in Bible times--a small craft on an open sea with no power but the wind and no guidance but the sun and stars. An unexpected storm gave plenty of propulsion, but took away steering and blinded the guidance system. That’s where we find our heroes in today’s action- packed adventure.

This was no modern cruise ship. There were no big engines, no sophisticated GPS system, no weather radar, no midnight buffet or 24-hour pizza shop. In rough seas, we might sense the gentle motion of the ship between the third and fourth course of our meal. Paul and company had not eaten for two weeks because of the violent storm that hijacked their ship.

The crew had thrown hope of a happy landing overboard along with the ship’s cargo and tackle. As the storm raged, Paul told his shipmates they should have listened to him and not sailed from Crete. He also said they would all survive, but the ship would be lost. Like the four anchors the sailors threw out as they tried to keep the ship off the rocks, Paul’s words reveal four anchors of his faith and confidence in God.

Paul had faith in God’s presence. An angel of the Lord stood before him. We have been assured that God will never leave us or forsake us. He sees the worst threats, the deepest hurts and the most terrifying fears. His children never walk alone.

Paul had faith in God’s promises. Paul knew that things always turn out just as God said. Do we believe all God’s promises? Do we trust him to meet our needs as we seek his kingdom? Do we believe God answers prayer? Do we trust him to raise us from the dead?

Paul had faith in God’s plan for his life. Paul believed he would keep his appointment with Caesar, even when the little ship was in the big storm. God’s purpose will prevail over all obstacles. You can face the storms with confidence when you trust God’s sure plan.

Paul had faith in God’s power. God was stronger than this storm. He knew the secret of David’s victory over Goliath. He knew what the angel told Mary: “nothing will be impossible with God.” He knew that God was able to save every person on board when it appeared that all would be lost.

The storms are inevitable. Maybe you’ve already been through the storm. Maybe you’re in one right now. Maybe your storm is on its way. If your faith is grounded by these anchor points, you will make it through the storm.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—December 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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