January 22, Revelation 12
The cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil is very real. Today’s portion gives us a compact glimpse of that conflict through a story told with vivid symbols. While we haven’t delved into much of the symbolism of the text in previous portions, this passage is so central to the story of the Bible that a word of explanation seems necessary.
Satan is the enemy of God and his people. Since his expulsion from heaven long ago, Satan’s violent, destructive rage has been directed at the human family and in particular, the people of God. It seems to me the woman in the story must represent Abraham’s physical descendants (Israel) through whom Messiah (the one who would rule the nations with a rod of iron) would come. The dragon (Satan) stood before the woman (Israel) during the time her child was on his way, hoping to devour the one God had said would come to destroy him. Not only can we see in this Herod’s murderous plot against the innocents in Bethlehem, but also Haman’s plot to exterminate the Jews in Persia, and Pharaoh’s designs against Israel in Egypt. After Jesus came, lived, died and rose again to ascend back to God, it seems the woman then represents Abraham’s spiritual descendants in Christ (the church). After failing in his attacks on
Jesus while the Son was present on earth, the dragon pursued the woman (now the church, spiritual Israel), who fled to a wilderness place to be protected from the dragon’s wrath.
Here is the explanation for all the evil and mayhem on earth today. Satan’s fingerprints are on every murder weapon, stolen article and abused person. His malevolence drives him to destroy. A torrential flood of evil comes from him like a raging river of water, threatening to sweep away everything in its path. Unable to destroy the infant church, he continues his fight against the offspring who obey God and embrace the testimony about Christ.
Do you wonder why God did not just destroy his enemy instead of allowing him to wreak such havoc on earth? Satan’s presence and activity here on earth must somehow serve God’s purpose, perhaps in testing men and women about which master they will serve. But we need not wonder about the outcome of the great struggle. Michael and his angels prevailed against Satan in heaven. Jesus overcame Satan by living, dying and being raised from the dead for us. And we who are willing to lay down our lives for the Lord have the promise of overcoming Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
Remember, this is a message of encouragement to the church. Satan has been thrown down. No one need suffer defeat because the Lamb has won the victory.
From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,
Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Today in God's Word—January 2024
East Tallassee Church of Christ