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Today in God’s Word

January 29, Revelation 19

For all the variety that characterizes our world, at the end of history there will be dichotomy, not diversity. On one hand there will be God, his heavenly hosts and the redeemed of the earth; on the other Satan, his minions and those he was able to deceive into rebelling against a loving God and rejecting the gospel that would have saved them.

God is on his throne throughout. Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords now. Those titles are not contingent upon the outcome of some battle at the end when he will win them. What weapon, what force could challenge God? The victory was won at the cross and the empty tomb. The imagery of conflict is about the fierce fight being waged within the hearts and minds of all people.

The images cascading through the book of Revelation show the judgment again and again. Satan, persecuting governments and false religion are defeated and sent to everlasting destruction. The redeemed are secure in the presence of the Lamb, washed in his blood and overflowing with worship before him. John heard loud praise to God for his salvation, glory, power and just judgment. There were hallelujahs for God’s vengeance against the enemy, for his sovereign reign and for the great reward he has prepared for his people.

The rider of the white horse is called Faithful and True, the Word of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is infinitely more than we can know or imagine. He has a name no one knows. His eyes pierce the darkness. He has all the crowns. The blood on his robe is his own, shed to redeem his people. The judgment he brings against his enemies is just and sure. He is our hero and Savior.

The culmination of the drama is described as a wedding feast. The church as the bride of Christ has made herself ready for the big event by adorning herself with the wedding garment he has provided. On the other side, there is a horrific image of another feast called the great supper of God, when those who were in league with Satan are carcasses strewn across a battlefield, slain by the mighty sword of the word of God. They have become a feast for the vultures. Meanwhile the beast and false prophet are cast into a lake of fire. Whatever awful reality is symbolized by those images, we

want no part of it. We’re invited to the wedding as his bride. We’ve got some singing to do in the heavenly hallelujah chorus.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—January 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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