February 8, Jeremiah 7
Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place. Do not trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD.' - Jeremiah 7:3-4
Good cooks know that there are sometimes acceptable substitutes for some ingredients in a recipe that will not harm the taste or appearance of the finished dish. But they also know that some ingredients are non-negotiable and no substitute will do for the real thing.
A genuine relationship with God is much more than a holy place, a ritual or spoken words. A holy God requires holiness in the lives and hearts of his people. This holiness is not limited to what one does or where one goes to worship. It is supposed to permeate every facet and aspect of a godly person's life. A godly person does go to worship, he does obey God's command to worship him. But his religion is not limited to that narrow worship experience. It touches and governs every aspect of his life.
God told Jeremiah to go stand at the gate of the temple and rebuke the people as they came to the place they took as their talisman and assurance of God's favor and protection. He reminded them of what happened at Shiloh in the days of Eli's sons. God had blessed the Israelites with his presence there at Shiloh in the tabernacle and through the ark of the covenant. But when they became so vile and corrupt that even the priests (Eli's sons) were committing adultery there with the women who came to worship, God removed his presence. He allowed the Philistines to come and capture the ark and enslave the Israelites. Their "holy place" could not save them from their unholy living.
Jeremiah told the people that their ritual was not enough. Their words were not an acceptable substitute for their lives. He called them to amend their ways and turn from their injustice and ungodliness. They were entrenched in following their own evil hearts instead of listening to and obeying God. The longer they refused to listen, the worse they became. They were working for the idols and had even offered their sons and daughters as human sacrifices on the idol's altar. When they broke the first command to have no other god besides the LORD, it opened the door for them to disobey the rest of God's commands as well.
The temple they talked about was already a "den of robbers." Jeremiah, the true spokesman of God, was standing outside delivering God's message. Inside, the priests were corrupt, greedy sinners who cared nothing about God's people and would not listen to God's words. Not much changed in the priesthood and temple in the centuries that followed when they returned from captivity and rebuilt the temple. Jesus told them centuries later that the place was still a "den of thieves and robbers."
There's a powerful lesson and warning here for modern churches and Christians. If we think simply being known as a church member, going to a building to worship or doing some religious ritual is all that God requires of us, we are as mistaken as the Israelites of Jeremiah's day. Those things cannot substitute for living changed lives, submitting to Christ as Lord in every part of life. It is important to be a church member and go to worship. It is important to obey commands to be baptized and take the Lord's Supper. But doing those things cannot substitute for living a godly life.
In the days of Eli's sons, the LORD named the former holy place Ichabod, which meant, "the glory of the Lord is departed." Jeremiah warned his contemporaries that the same fate of loss and ruin was coming to them unless they repented. It was far easier for them to offer a sacrifice than to surrender their lives to God.
We need to learn the same lesson. Our ritual observance (sacrifice) apart from living a surrendered life will never be enough to please God. Formalism or legalism is no substitute for righteous living.
We may speak of breaking God's law. But God's words cannot really be broken. Sinners who refuse to hear it are broken by their rebellion against the Lord. Let's pray for open ears and receptive hearts to do God's will in our daily lives so the name Ichabod will never be about us.
Copyright © 2024 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Today in God's Word—February 2024
East Tallassee Church of Christ