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Today in God’s Word

February 24, Jeremiah 23

”Behold the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.” - Jeremiah 23:5

How did the Israelites fall so far away from their benevolent and merciful God? How did they become faithless when God had been so faithful to them? Jeremiah 23 leaves no question about it. Israel’s failure was a leadership failure. The priests had led people away from worshiping God to embrace idolatry. Many false prophets had lied to the people, denying and despising Jeremiah’s warnings. The false prophets hated Jeremiah and rejected his message from God. They told the people there was no danger. They said no harm would come to them. They destroyed and scattered God’s sheep by their lies. These failed prophets and priests had been adulterers and idolaters themselves. It was no wonder that the people were behaving as they did. They were just following their leaders.

Jeremiah was alarmed by the extent of the failure among the leaders and the people. They were all living ungodly lives. Jeremiah told them that disaster was on the way because of their ongoing disobedience and hardened impenitence. They would be on a slippery path in the darkness. The storm of God’s wrath was about to burst upon them and leave death and disaster in its wake.

Jeremiah was, as you might expect, not popular with the failed leaders or the fallen people. His messages of warning and announcements of coming doom were faithful words he received from God himself. But the people preferred the lies and dreams and fair weather forecasts of the false prophets. Jeremiah had nothing in common with the liars and dreamers who claimed to have a burden from God. They were telling the people things were good when they were not. They spoke for and from themselves, not from the Lord, and they denied the consequences of disobedience.

In contrast and remedy to the lying words of the evil shepherds, God said he would intervene and send faithful shepherds, new spiritual leaders who would be true shepherds of the remnant people. Above all, the Lord said the days were coming when he would raise up for David a righteous Branch, who would reign with wisdom, justice and righteousness. Through him and his saving work, the remnant of Israel would be saved and kept securely. This Branch had a name: “The Lord is our righteousness.” All those things were about Messiah, and all are fulfilled in Jesus. He is exactly that kind of Ruler and Savior. He himself is our righteousness. He is the opposite of the lying shepherds who led Israel to total ruin.

From our vantage point many centuries later, we know Jeremiah’s prophecies did come true. God punished the Israelites for their idolatry and ungodliness. Jesus did come, and a new kingdom began in which the righteous remnant of Israel was saved, along with Gentiles. Jesus rules over that kingdom in righteousness and justice. He is gracious and merciful to sinners like us who will hear and believe the gospel and come to him.

Every leader of a congregation of God’s people should learn from this tragic story. It is no light matter to be a spiritual leader. God wants his sheep to be shepherded by godly, righteous men who have a deep reverence for the word of God. The Lord will hold leaders accountable who mislead his people with lies instead of God’s truth. Every individual should carefully examine the counsel and guidance of the church’s leaders in light of God’s word. We should guard our hearts against listening to people who tell us things are good when they’re not and ignore the consequences of disobedience. Let’s not repeat the mistakes of this last generation of the nation of Israel.

Copyright © 2024 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—February 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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