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Today in God’s Word

March 17, Jeremiah 45

"And do you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not; for behold, I am bringing disaster upon all flesh, declares the LORD. But I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go." - Jeremiah 45:5

Do you have days when you're not physically sick or injured, but just feel "down?" Perhaps you’re exhausted or anxious. Maybe you've been disappointed, or someone has hurt your feelings. It's quite possible to feel "down" and not know or be able to tell exactly why. I must admit I've had a few days like that, and you probably know the feeling yourself.

I lost count a long time ago of how many times an encouraging word from a friend or a well-timed affirmation has lifted my spirits when I've been down. But when someone cares enough to notice, a personal word of encouragement surely helps. The person who spoke may not have noticed our particular need. They blessed us by simply using their gift of encouragement. I want to do that for other people, because so many people have done it for me.

Baruch got a personal word of encouragement from God himself. Jeremiah 45 is a short little chapter, addressed not to Jeremiah or the king or the nation, but to Baruch himself. He had written down many words of God that came through the LORD's prophet Jeremiah. Those words that were addressed to others. But this little note was from God to Baruch himself.

It's not polite to read personal correspondence that was not addressed to you. But since this personal note is included in the Bible, I think it's ok for us to read over Baruch's shoulder, and see what we can glean from the words God sent to Jeremiah's faithful secretary.

It's remarkable that the God of the universe knows you and me personally, that he knows our inner thoughts and hears the words we speak. But he does. The Lord knows you better than your closest friend knows you, even better than you know yourself. And while my words of encouragement may be off-target or ill-timed, God knows exactly what you and I need to hear. You and I should take the Lord's commands personally. But we should also take to our own heart all the promises and encouraging words he has communicated through his word. Even Baruch's personal message came through Jeremiah. So it's fine for us to get our messages from God from Jeremiah and the other inspired authors of the Bible.

God reminded Baruch that he lived in a time of crisis. His nation and city were going to be destroyed. It was natural for anyone to feel down in such difficult circumstances. It would help us remember that as well. We live in a broken and fallen world. It is especially challenging to live a godly life in an ungodly world. We should not be surprised when troubles come. Jesus promised his disciples that they would suffer trouble in this world. It's unreasonable to expect our surrounding circumstances to have no effect on our feelings.

God gave Baruch a pointed course correction. Was Baruch ambitious? Maybe he expected as a trained scribe and the grandson of a former governor of Jerusalem to have a higher position of honor. God told him not to seek such a thing. Events were already underway that would dismantle everything about life in Jerusalem and across Judah. An honored position would be irrelevant in the aftermath of the coming destruction. When we are tempted to scrape and strive for high honors among our peers, we need to remember that God’s approval matters far more than any award or position the world can confer on us.

Maybe Baruch was down because he had faithfully recorded some dark and heartbreaking prophecies that Jeremiah had spoken. What a burden he must have felt to know what he knew, and to know that the Lord's word would surely come to pass!

And let's never forget what God told Baruch about his life. He told him that his life was a prize of war. Despite all the conflict and disaster around him, Baruch would not die in the horrible circumstances that would kill so many of his fellows. Yes, we must accept conflict as a way of life in this world. But God has promised his redeemed people in Christ that they will be victorious over the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ has fought and won a great victory, and we share in that victory through him. Treasure your life as a prize from God. Value it. Use it well, Guard it carefully. My life in this world and in eternity is a gift, a prize from God, not to be neglected or despised.

Thank God for Baruch, Jeremiah's faithful scribe. He served in the shadow of a great man, but he was faithful. His example is a good one for us, and God's encouraging words to him can help us when we're down like our old friend Baruch.

Copyright © 2024 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—March 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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