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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—March 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

March 9, 2 Chronicles 27

So Jotham became mighty, because he ordered his ways before the LORD his God. - 2 Chronicles 27:6

A synopsis is a brief summary or overview of a larger text or subject. We read a synopsis when we’re looking for a good book to read or movie to watch. A synopsis describes a course so a student will have some idea of what the professor will cover in the class. The word synopsis has been in our language about 500 years, and came to us from Latin and Greek roots, meaning "together” and "seeing."

Chapter 27 is a brief synopsis of the life and reign of Jotham, king of Judah. It is one of the shortest accounts of any king's reign, and one of the shortest chapters in the Bible. In 2 Kings, Jotham does not get a chapter to himself, just seven verses of a longer chapter. Despite its brevity, this chapter has some powerful positive lessons for you and me.

Jotham became king of Judah when he was 25 years old. He was still a young man, but not a child as a couple of his ancestors had been. He only reigned 16 years. But during those years, he was a very good king. This report of his life is like a breath of fresh air, a decade and a half respite from the stench of decay as the monarchy and the nation itself ran toward ruin.

Jotham’s life illustrates one of the main themes of Chronicles — obedience to God brings blessings from the Lord. His success and power came from his commitment to obey the Lord's commands. Jotham was a builder, and his projects were successful. He was also a warrior, and he won the battles he fought. He succeeded in collecting tribute from the nations he defeated. The kingdom grew richer and stronger through the years Jotham reigned.

Jotham's father Uzziah set a good example for his son in most ways. The notable exception was when he acted in pride and went into the temple to offer incense and sacrifice as a

presumptuous priest. The real priests tried to restrain him from doing wrong. But when Uzziah took the censer into his hand, God struck him with leprosy. Since he was quarantined to the lepers' house for the rest of his life, Jotham acted in his father’s place in the royal household and the kingdom. It was good on-the-job training for the young man who would be king. His father’s awful error was like a beacon, warning Jotham not to ignore God’s commands. He did not follow his father's prideful path to ruin.

I checked some other translations to see how they worded the text verse I chose for this chapter. The ESV has, "Jotham became mighty, because he ordered his ways before the LORD." Here are a few helpful variations: "Jotham grew powerful, because he walked steadfastly" (NIV). Also, from the KJV: "Jotham grew mighty because he prepared his ways." And the CSB has , “So Jotham strengthened his position because he did not waver in obeying the LORD his God." I like that image of unwavering fidelity to God as the secret of Jotham's success.

It’s not easy being king. Being a leader at any level brings pressures and temptations unique to positions of authority. Kings could do as they pleased, and their word was law in many matters. Some kings mistook that privilege to mean they could do whatever they wanted without regard for God and his law. But Jotham did not waver in his obedience to God when he had that power. Jotham lived among people who did not agree with his dedication to the LORD. They preferred to follow their neighbors (and their own lust) into worshiping the idol gods. But Jotham did not waver in obeying the LORD his God. His enemies did not believe in Jotham’s God, and they hated those who did believe in the LORD. But Jotham did not waver in obeying God.

All of us who are privileged to lead should follow Jotham’s example. And not only leaders, but all

of us who live should resolve to live like Jotham lived, unwavering and resolute in our obedience to the Lord.

Jotham’s life was not long, only 41 years. The synopsis does not give us many details of his life or his death. But Jotham left a sterling example of what it means to live in obedience to God. Our lives would be better, and God would get more glory if we would live like Jotham lived. We would be an example to others who come behind us, as Jotham is to us, many centuries after he lived and died.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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