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Today in God’s Word

March 27, Lamentations 3

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." - Lamentations 3:21-24

Lamentations is a book of mourning and misery, a litany of sadness and suffering. Jeremiah wept for the devastation of his city and his country. He said he was the man who had seen affliction under the rod of God's wrath. It's not hard to understand how he might be discouraged. He had preached for decades to people who did not want to hear God's word, and persecuted him for preaching it. Then just as he had prophesied, the Babylonians came and destroyed the city, killed many and took many more away in captivity. The sorrow and suffering had drained Jeremiah's strength and hope. His soul was bowed down within him by the oppressive weight of bitterness he had seen and experienced.

Then, from that low point in his life, Jeremiah recalled and focused on some things he knew about the character and nature of God. His hope was rekindled as he meditated on God's steadfast love, ever-renewing mercy and absolute faithfulness. The people of Jeremiah's time and place had lost so much, including many lives and their way of life. But Jeremiah found his "portion," his true possession of greatest worth, was God himself. Remembering that restored his hope.

People who put their trust in God are never hopeless, even in the most difficult straits and struggles. Jeremiah knew that God was good, and that their suffering was the result of their sin. He realized that God was still in control. His purpose was still secure and his promises were unfailing. That gave Jeremiah the courage to call out to God, call the surviving people to repentance, and to endure whatever God willed for them. He modeled the humility toward God they needed (and we need) to endure and trust God when we experience painful, heartbreaking adversity.

We express our faith and trust in God by obeying him. But we also express our trust in him (or our lack of it) by how we deal with hardship and suffering in our lives. Do we really believe that God is in control? Do we truly trust that God is able and intends to bring good out of the bad things that hurt and discourage us? God is the same God on our bright and dark days. Nothing we face is too hard for him. Our emotions may drive us to bitterness and hopelessness. But our faith and trust in the Lord enables us to endure the trouble and keep praising him, even in the dark valleys of life.

As someone who sometimes says too much, I was especially convicted by Jeremiah's image of humility about what we say: "let him put his mouth in the dust." Knowing that God still loves me, that he is still compassionate and merciful, should still both my heart and my tongue when I am frustrated by my troubles.

Jeremiah realized that God had heard his cry for help and strengthened him. He said God came near when he called him. And the Lord told him, "Do not fear." Jeremiah also asked God to judge and punish their enemies for their sins, even as he had punished his own people. He believed God had seen and heard all that had been said and done by his enemies, and trusted that God would repay them for their evil deeds.

I love the double assurance that Jeremiah expressed near the end of this pinnacle chapter of Lamentations: "You have taken up my cause, O Lord; you have redeemed my life." I am so thankful, and I trust you are as well, that our own double assurance of those things is centered and focused on Jesus Christ and his work on our behalf. He himself is our advocate and intercessor. He himself redeemed our lives with his blood on the cross. When you and I know and trust that blessed truth, no pain, no disappointment, no loss should ever make us accuse God and fall into despair. Living in Christ is a high and privileged calling. As we face troubles with our trust firmly fixed in him, we will not lose our hope.

Copyright © 2024 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—March 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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