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Today in God’s Word

April 6, Romans 8

Would you prefer a death sentence or paid-up life insurance? Since you are, in fact, faced with those alternatives, let’s explore them today.

The flesh-controlled life leads to fear, slavery and death. It’s ironic that many who live like this think they are fearless, free and really living. The focus of the flesh-controlled life is self-gratifying all desires and rebelling against God’s will. All who live this way are under a death sentence. At the end of living in the flesh, there is only death and condemnation.

The alternative to living according to the flesh is living according to the Spirit of God within you. If you live in Christ under the control of God’s Spirit, you are guaranteed life and no condemnation. There is peace in trusting what God has done in sending Christ to die for our sins. Under his guidance, we submit to God and please him, grateful for what he has done for us in Christ. Living in the Spirit is obviously better

in the end, when you get life instead of death. But it’s also better all along the way.

In Christ, you exchange slavery under the law of sin and death for freedom and life. Hope and expectation replace dread and fear. No one is granted immunity from suffering in this fallen world. But in Christ you have the assurance of God’s help as you endure suffering, and the promise that the glory to come will far outweigh the suffering. Your redemption is part of God’s

plan to redeem the entire fallen creation. Everything that happens to you is not good, but you know that as a chosen object of God’s love, he is able to make whatever happens work for your good. He uses the adversities of life to fulfill his ultimate purpose of making you like his Son.

Because you are his beloved child and heir, his Spirit lives within you, giving you help when you are weak, victory when you face opposition and the guarantee of life when you face death. You can be confident of all this because he has already given his Son! Won’t he also graciously give you whatever else you may need? This is your inheritance in Christ. This is the result of living under the control of his Spirit. This is the guarantee for your life.

There are only two ways to live. We can live in the flesh and be condemned to death under the righteous law of a holy God. Or, we can live under the direction of his gracious Spirit within us, be heirs instead of enemies, have hope instead of despair, and live instead of die.

This alternative is brought to you by Jesus, who fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law and condemned sin, so that we might share in his righteousness and live with him forever. That’s the good news of the gospel. It is my fervent prayer that you will receive it, and live.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—April 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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