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Today in God’s Word

April 16, Ezekiel 2

"And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear of refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house." - Ezekiel 2:7

When we last saw Ezekiel at the end of Chapter 1, he was face down to the ground in reverent fear from the glimpse of God's glory the Lord had shown him. Here in Chapter 2, God gets Ezekiel on his feet and on his way to do what the Lord commissioned him to do.

What brought about the change in Ezekiel? How did he go from cowering in fear to boldly proclaiming God's unwelcome truth to rebellious people? Does that sound like a process that might be helpful to us? Do we lack courage and confidence to do what the Lord has commissioned us to do in proclaiming the gospel? Are we hesitant about being real salt and real light to a world that needs godly influence? Let's note a few things about Ezekiel's call in this short chapter that should help us all.

First notice that God commanded Ezekiel to stand on his feet. Then the Spirit entered Ezekiel and stood him on his feet. Isn't that a good illustration of the fact that when God commissions, he equips? Jesus promised the apostles that God would give them memory of what he had said and give them words to speak when they were preaching the gospel or testifying in court. Paul taught us that God works in us to do and to will. His Spirit within our inner being empowers us. And the writer of Hebrews said that God would "equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight." Peter said God gives each member of the body of Christ a gift to use to serve him and bless others. When I imagine how the Spirit got Ezekiel on his feel, and how God gave his prophet the words he should say, I need to remind myself that God has promised to do things like that for me as well.

Ezekiel was supposed to say what God gave him to say. He didn't have to make up a message or choose the words to express a thought. God gave him the words to use. The little scroll was covered with writing on both sides of the sheet. There was no room for Ezekiel to add his thoughts. Our preaching should never originate with us or be about us. We are called to preach the gospel, not our opinions. If we can see it in this story about Ezekiel, it should remind us of the authorized content of our preaching and teaching, and the only legitimate source of it, God himself.

God told Ezekiel not to be afraid of what the rebels said to him or how they looked at him. The prophet was supposed to remember that he was preaching to rebellious, impudent and stubborn people. He should not be surprised when they rejected him as a prophet and refused to listen to his message. We should also remember that the world is in rebellion against God. Jesus said that the darkness hates the light and will not come to it. The gospel calls men and women to trust Jesus instead of themselves and to repent (change). People like to trust themselves and their own judgment, and they do not like to change. No wonder the gospel is not going to be any more popular with the great majority of the world. Neither was Ezekiel's message welcome or well-received.

God also told Ezekiel not to quit, give up or feel like a failure when the people would not listen to him. If he quit and didn't obey God's orders to proclaim the messages he gave him, he too would be a rebel. That's an important lesson for us, too. If we allow our fear or the unpleasant sensation of being rejected to stop us from doing what God told us to do, we also are rebelling against his commands.

Ezekiel lived and worked in a very different time, place and situation from you and me. But we can learn a lot about being faithful servants of God here and now when we meditate on what God told his faithful servant Ezekiel to do.

Copyright © 2024 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—April 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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