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Today in God’s Word

May 23, Ezekiel 39

”And you, son of man, prophesy against God and say, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O God, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal." - Ezekiel 39:1

Chapter 39 is a continuation of the prophecy against Gog, that started in the previous chapter. Remember that these chapters use an apocalyptic style with images, symbols and numbers signifying some idea instead of a literal statement of fact. The pictures describe the complete devastation of the massive host that gathered to make war against God and his people. The word pictures suggest the great number of the enemy hosts, and the great death and destruction that God rained down on his enemies. He did it not only to save his people, but also to defend the honor and glory of his holy name.

The prophecy tells how many months it would take to bury the slain and how many years the people of Israel would have firewood from the staves of all the weapons left lying on the battlefield. The seven months and seven years are a symbolic way of showing how big the threatening force was, and how thoroughly God would defeat them.

The names God and Magog and the great feast to which God called the birds and beasts are echoed in Revelation. The events described here are about a time far removed from ancient Israel. They are, as the previous chapter said, about the latter years, the end of this age, just before the Judgment. Don't confuse the Great Supper of God with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Both feasts are described in Revelation. One is the presentation of the church as the Bride of Christ and the celebration of that great culminating event of all God's plan to redeem fallen human beings in Christ. The saved are the welcomed special guests at that feast. But the enemies are invited to the other Great Supper, where they are not guests, but the main course for the invited birds and beasts. The gruesome picture expresses the awful end of those who fight against God and his faithful people.

This awful destruction of God's enemies demonstrated that God was the Almighty. Israel fell to her enemies and went into captivity because God punished them for their wickedness. Their defeat was not (as the pagan neighbors reasoned) because God was unable to protect his people.

The final detail that verified that the time for these events was the promise that God would pour out his Spirit on the house of Israel. He did just that when Peter and the other apostles preached on the day of Pentecost and 3,000 received forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit from the Spirit-enabled apostles and their preaching. This promise, according to Peter's sermon that day was for all flesh, not just Israel. The book of Acts details how God kept that promise as the gospel spread, and men and women, Jews and Gentiles put their trust in Christ, put Christ on in baptism, received the promises and began new lives in him.

Remember that these terrible details about God's great power coming in judgment against his enemies should not terrify his people. We should be encouraged and reassured to know that God is firmly in control, and that he will keep every promise. When you and I surrender to the Lord and put our full trust and confidence in him, we have nothing to fear.

Copyright © 2024 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—May 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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