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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—March 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

March 16, 2 Chronicles 34

Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem. And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, and walked in the ways of David his father; and he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. - 2 Chronicles 34:1-2

If we wondered why and how such an evil king as Manasseh had been could have followed his good father Hezekiah, we might also wonder how a good king like Josiah could come after his father Manasseh. Perhaps the Chronicles account of Manasseh give us a clue to that because it tells about Manasseh's repentance in his late years. Since Josiah was only eight years old when he became king, most if not all the influence he had from his father was after Manasseh changed his ways to do right.

I like how the text verses describe Josiah's goodness. He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD. God is an all-seeing, all-knowing God. To do right in the eyes of the LORD is to submit to him in every part of our lives, because he surely sees and knows about all we do, say and think.

Then, Josiah “walked in the ways of David his father." Although the culture around him had fallen away from God and turned to idols, Josiah found his positive role model in his great ancestor David. This reminds us that it was not ignorance that led to apostasy from the nation's covenant with God. They did know, and they chose to disobey. But Josiah chose to do as his righteous ancestors had done.

Also, “he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left." The will of God was like a well- defined, clearly marked path. Josiah stayed on the trail. He was not enticed or distracted to turn away.

Wouldn't that trio of ideals help us all to be more faithful to God? If we truly believed that God witnesses all we say, do, and think, we would be less likely to disobey, thinking no one would

see or know? God sees and knows. A couple of verses later we read that Josiah “began to seek the God of his father David.” So his walking in the ways of David was not by chance or an accident. He sought it, he pursued it, and he found it. How devoted are we to the pursuit of holiness and godly living? Wouldn't that help us make better choices and live better lives that honored God more? And that business about not turning to the right hand or the left reminds me of how much I need to pay attention to God- given direction, and not get distracted by the things the world offers as alternatives to godliness. We stay on course by intentional commitment. Jesus called us to be seekers, not drifters. Our flesh and the sinful world will pull us off course unless we pay close attention to the directions from God, and commit to following those directions.

Josiah's godliness also led him to purge the evil practice and influence of idolatry from his kingdom. He actively opposed Baal and the other gods the people had adopted and worshiped. Josiah's campaign to purge the idols from the land extended beyond the borders of Judah into other tribes and cities that had been part of the now-defunct northern kingdom. Josiah knew that evil had no place among the people of God. He knew God would not tolerate any other god being worshiped.

I am impressed with Josiah's attitude toward the found book of the law. He realized they needed to amend their ways in light of clear revelation from God. He wanted to know what God commanded them to do, and sent his men to find out from Huldah the prophetess. The good, searching, honest king got some discouraging news from Huldah. She said his kingdom was doomed. God did not hide the final fate of Judah from the righteous king. But because of Josiah’s righteousness, God told him the end would not be come during his lifetime. Because of Josiah's wholehearted commitment to God and his strong influence over the people, the nation

remained faithful to God throughout Josiah’s lifetime.

The family portrait of the house of David is quite dark. Most of his descendants were evil men with little or no regard for God. But Josiah was a shining exception to the prevailing darkness of evil. During his lifetime and reign, God's people lived closer to God. I want to be that kind of influence on my family and the people around me. We may not be kings or queens, but we do have influence. Let's do our best to brighten the lives of those in our family portrait and circle of friends.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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