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Today in God’s Word

June 22, 2 Corinthians 5

“She is not a happy camper.” Have you ever heard that colloquial expression about someone who was upset? I would never say that. I never liked that saying, perhaps because I never liked camping. Well, maybe I did as a boy, but not now. So, to me, there’s no such logical thing as a happy camper. (I’m sorry if that’s your favorite phrase or if camping is your favorite activity. I’m happy for you. Go camping. Be happy. I just don’t want to go with you, to sleep on the hard ground with snakes slithering around and bears clawing at the tent trying to get my trail mix and who knows what else. But I digress.)

Paul said living in this body is like camping, staying in a tent. Dying and going to heaven is like going to the house after being out in the tent. We groan in the tent, not to lose the tent’s shelter, but to gain the security and comfort of the house. Death isn’t losing life; it’s being swallowed up by life. God has something far better for his people than the flesh tents we live in here. God has prepared a house for us in heaven, where we can be with him forever. He gave us his Spirit as a guarantee, and lets us see our home with him by faith.

Paul’s aim, whether here in the tent or at his permanent address in heaven, was to please the Lord. The ultimate win in Paul’s life strategy was to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and be approved. Paul was controlled by the love of Christ. That love compelled him to tell everyone how Jesus died for them, and to persuade everyone to live for Christ. After God reconciled sinners to himself through Jesus’ death, he made Paul and the other apostles messengers of that good news.

As you reflect on these words, may I ask a few personal questions? What’s the aim of your life? Is it wealth or possessions or some achievement? If your aim is anything less than pleasing the Lord in everything you do, I encourage you to raise your aim.

What controls you? Are you driven by the love of Christ? Aren’t we sometimes driven by less noble compulsions? Think of how our thoughts, words and actions would be changed if Christ’s love controlled us.

And finally, do you really like camping? I don’t mean the tent in the woods. I mean like Paul described it—living in a flesh tent in this world. These tents are remarkable creations, but I’m sure you’ve noticed how they do wear out. They are not intended to be permanent residences. Trust that there’s much more and better waiting for those who are reconciled to God in Christ.

So enjoy the camp-out. Be a happy camper, if you insist. But don’t get too cozy in the temporary housing. Don’t settle for a tent when God has a house for you.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—June 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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