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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—March 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

March 20, Galatians 2

There is an irritating gap in my life, and probably in yours, too. It’s the gap between what I know and believe, and what I do. Ideally, conduct would match conviction at all times. Honesty compels us to admit the ideal is seldom achieved.

When Paul met with Peter and the Jews at Jerusalem, everyone approved Paul’s evangelism among the Gentiles. Everyone understood that Gentiles enjoyed equal standing in Christ. When Peter came to Antioch, he ate with the Gentiles until some Jews from Jerusalem came. Then, feeling the pressure from his Jewish brothers, he segregated himself from the Gentile Christians, even taking Barnabas and others along with him. See? There’s the gap. Theologically, they knew better. Practically, their fear of what others would think controlled their conduct.

Peter’s error is a warning for us. Are you sure you’re immune to peer pressure? We warn teenagers, but adults are vulnerable, too. In Sunday School, we know the right answers about moral purity. Does our conduct on a date reflect that knowledge? Most people at AA or NA meetings believe the principles that are taught there. But later, under stress, at some old playground with old playmates, the commitment falters. It threatens our pride to concede we are influenced by our peers. But if the apostle Peter stumbled under peer pressure, who am I to say it doesn’t bother me?

As a matter of fact, the whole discussion of justification by grace and not by works threatens our pride. For many of us, it’s the gap again. Theologically, we know that

Christ died for us because we could not save ourselves. But still we’re tempted to make our performance the standard by which we approve ourselves and condemn others. When a godly person dies, we hear about how they will surely be in heaven because they were so good, and if they’re not going, nobody else has a chance. But don’t you see? That contradicts the gospel! The gospel says that person is going to heaven because of their trust in Christ, not their own good conduct.

So Paul, who wrote so much about submitting to one another, refused to submit to the Jews who wanted Gentiles to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses. He could not let Peter’s hypocrisy at Antioch pass without rebuke. He would not compromise the core of the gospel. If we trust law-keeping, we nullify the gospel of grace and make the death of Christ meaningless.

I admit there’s a gap in my life sometimes. I want to narrow that gap and be more of what God calls me to be as I grow in Christ. But as my conduct becomes more consistent with my convictions, I must never think my progress has earned my standing with God. As Paul said, by works of the law no one will be justified. We must live by faith in Christ because we will not make it on our own.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament, Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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