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Today in God’s Word

July 21, Matthew 9

Jesus saw the faith of the people who brought their paralyzed friend to him. At first we may think their faith was visible because, after all, it was Jesus who was doing the seeing. He read the thoughts of the scribes: “This is blaspheming.” So we may assume that he can see faith as well. And he could. But it’s visible to us, too.

This chapter has several episodes that illustrate James’ words: “I will show you my faith by my works.” The actions of the paralytic’s friends are described in greater detail by Mark and Luke, but it was what they did that showed what they

believed. When the ruler of the synagogue came and knelt before Jesus to ask for his help in what already seemed a helpless situation, his faith was showing in what he did. When the woman reached out and touched the fringe of Jesus’ garment, she believed she would be well. Jesus said her faith had made her well. When the blind men received their sight, Jesus asked if they believed he was able to do it, and then told them that it was done according to their faith. Faith is much more than an intangible philosophical position or mental assent to a statement. Faith motivates action, and the action makes the faith visible.

These people all believed in Jesus, and were confident he could do something about their desperate situations. The friends who carried the paralyzed man’s stretcher, the synagogue ruler and the woman all sought Jesus because they believed he was able to help them. By their actions, they all made the same confession as the blind men when Jesus asked if they believed he was able: “Yes, Lord.”

These lives and others were dramatically changed by the exercise of faith. A two-word invitation, at once accepted by Levi the tax collector changed the course of his entire life. It can be no other way. As Jesus explained, his kingdom rule can’t be tacked onto our present way of life like a new patch on an old garment. The new wine he came to give cannot be

poured into the old wineskins of how we used to live. Faith is a catalyst that produces changed lives.

Jesus sees our faith, and we can see one another’s. Our faith leads us to believe he is able to do something about our problems. Faith is the motive for following him, realizing things will be new and different in our lives as we do so.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide

for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used

by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—July 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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