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Today in God’s Word

July 23, Matthew 11

Most of us have been through discouraging times of trouble. When circumstances are less than ideal, when we seem to suffer for doing the right thing, when our hopes have not been realized or when we don’t understand what’s going on around us, it’s likely that questions and doubts may flood our minds. We may be able to identify with John, who from prison sent word to Jesus. John wanted to know if Jesus was the promised one, or if he should be looking for someone else. Of all people on earth at the time, John probably had the best grasp of who Jesus was. But he seemed to struggle with the apparent conflict between the reports he heard about Jesus’ deeds and what he thought Messiah should be doing.

Jesus didn’t excommunicate John for asking the question, or send a stinging rebuke about unbelief back with John’s disciples. Instead he reminded John of the prophets’ descriptions of what Messiah would do. He quoted the very prophets John had cited earlier to identify himself as the harbinger of Messiah, and Jesus as the one of whom the prophets spoke. Jesus then told the crowds John was a prophet and more than a prophet. He said there was no one greater than John, and that John was the one the prophets had described as Messiah’s messenger.

It’s not a sign you’re unspiritual when you are discouraged. Questions don’t mean you’ve lost your faith or that you doubt God. Jesus offers ample evidence for seeking hearts to make a good decision about his identity. The rebuke that follows the question from John is related to this. Jesus chides the people in the crowd for being impossible to please, like children. He denounced some of the cities in Galilee that did not repent when they heard the message. They had seen, in their own cities, mighty works that should have motivated them to turn to God, but they refused to repent. Jesus said some infamous cities would receive more leniency in judgment than those who saw and rejected the evidence.

Are you like the “wise and understanding” ones Jesus said could not see the truth about the kingdom? Or are you willing, like a little child, to humble yourself and trust in him? Instead of cruel labor, he promises an easy yoke. In the place of impossible loads, he says his burden is light. Jesus offers rest to all who are weary and burdened. If you’re struggling and tired, this is a beautiful invitation. What would keep you from following a master like Jesus?

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide

for Your Journey Through the New Testament,

Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used

by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—July 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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