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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—March 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

March 22, Galatians 4

Ah, the joys and anxieties of parenthood! We agree with the psalmist that children are gifts from God. Our love and sense of responsibility for them produces natural anxiety about their well-being. They grow up and make their own choices, but we still want to offer parental advice.

Paul witnessed the “birth” of his “children” in Galatia. He had fond memories of their first steps as disciples. But the Galatians were making a choice that upset him. Influenced by teachers who wanted to bind the Law of Moses on Jesus’ followers, they were being led away from what Paul taught them. Paul pressed the consequences of that decision, and begged them to avoid the bondage of legalism.

Paul’s main question was, “Why would anybody choose slavery over freedom?” He reasoned from two examples—one about rules of inheritance, the other from Scripture.

In a family, Paul asked, would you rather be a slave or a child who is heir of the estate? He compared Jews under the law before Christ came to minor heirs, who were not really different from the servants. But when those young heirs reach their majority, they enjoy full privileges as heirs. Paul said when Christ came, the difference between the heirs and the slaves became reality. Why would anybody choose slavery instead of living as a free heir?

Paul then referred to the story about Abraham, Sarah and Hagar from the Scripture. He said Hagar’s son Ishmael was born according to the flesh, not according to God’s promise. He was not the rightful heir,

but the son of a slave. But Isaac was the son of promise, born of Sarah, just as God had said. Christians are Abraham’s heirs through faith. They are children of the promise, like Isaac. Trusting the law takes one out of the inheritance and puts him into the slave quarters. Paul assured the Galatians they were born under the promise and free. Why would they forfeit their inheritance?

When we think we’re old enough to choose for ourselves, we don’t always welcome our parents’ input. Paul reminded them of how they loved him when they first received the gospel, and asked if he was now their enemy because he was telling them the truth. He exposed the dishonorable motives of the Jewish teachers who were misleading them, and told them he was anxious about their decision.

Beyond the validation of normal parental anxiety that echoes in Paul’s words, we need to hear his warning if we’re tempted to trust something other than Christ for justification. It doesn’t have to be a Jewish teacher binding circumcision. It can be a new “enlightened” teacher offering fulfillment through some other path. The disguise may change, but the underlying intent of our adversary stays the same—to get us to trust ourselves or something other than God. Like a good parent, Paul warns us, “Don’t fall for it. Don’t give up your freedom and your inheritance.” That’s still good advice.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament, Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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