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Today in God’s Word

September 10, Proverbs 6

For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life... - Proverbs 6:23

Faith becomes meaningful when it is lived out in everyday life, when what you believe shapes how you behave. The warnings about our conduct, speech and attitudes in Proverbs 6 are examples of the practical application of faith to daily living.

I like the vivid description of getting in trouble by what you say in verse 2: "if you are snared in the words of your mouth, caught in the words of your mouth...." I resemble that remark sometimes, do you? The wise advice to resolve the problem as soon as possible would so often keep a bad situation from getting worse.

Maybe the warning against indolence hits home with us as well. The lazy man or woman needs to learn from the industrious ant. That tiny insect with a microscopic brain knows the wisdom of working while you can so you can eat when you can't work. Folks who are willing to let others pay their way while they do nothing are going to come to an unhappy end described as "broken beyond healing."

Many years ago in another town, I used the list of things the Lord hates from this chapter in a series of messages on the church sign's marquee. The messages went in order down the list. Here’s an example:




A lady in the community called me and complained that God doesn't hate anything or anybody, and accused me of misrepresenting God by my sign. She didn't care that it was a direct quotation of Scripture (which is our source for knowing about God's character and nature). The message conflicted with her opinion about God. But the truth is that God does hate evil with holy hatred. This passage lists seven behaviors or attitudes that are abominations to God—haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers (Proverbs 6:17-19) When we’re doing those things, we may not see them as problematic or sinful. But God hates those behaviors and attitudes.

Then Solomon returned to the theme he had already mentioned back in chapter two and again in chapter five about the dangers of adultery. The human family has made lots of progress in the 3,000 years since Solomon lived. Inventions and advances in knowledge have made some big differences in how we live. But when it comes to moral purity, it's clear that modern men and women still face the same basic temptations and struggles as the ancients. God's design of human sexuality is perfect and beautiful. But flawed people living

in a fallen world pervert blessings into curses when they disregard God's will about sex or any other matter. It was necessary back in Solomon's day to teach young folks (and older ones, too) about God's intentional design for satisfying the powerful desire for sexual intimacy he built into us. It is still necessary today. It was also important for parents and teachers to warn their maturing children about the dangers of expressing and fulfilling those desires in ways that would bring harm to themselves and others. It's still important today.

We know this is true when we see stories about it in the news. It's still relevant when we hear about ruined lives and broken marriages around us. We realize that we need the same guidance and warning that folks needed thousands of years ago when we look into our own hearts.

So our text says that God's word is a lamp, light and the way of life to those willing to be guided by it. It reminds us of Psalm 119:105: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." God's guiding principles about sexuality and any other matter instruct us and restrain us for our good. They enlighten our minds in a sin-darkened world and lovingly restrain us from harming ourselves.

May God grant us the grace to listen to God, learn from him and be led by the Lord as he shows us the way of life and saves us from death.

Copyright © 2021 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—September 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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