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Today in God’s Word

September 15, Proverbs 11

The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. - Proverbs 11:3

Our English word "proverb" is a combination of a prefix and a root that conveys the idea of "for words." A proverb is a concise statement in a memorable couplet that condenses a much larger concept. Phrases replace paragraphs. The sentence takes the place of an essay on the topic. A proverb is a meaningful miniature of an important idea.

Take our text for today as an example. In just fifteen words, it strikes a contrast between two characters, their corresponding conducts and the resulting consequences that come to each of them.

The same two character types, the upright and the treacherous, are echoed in verse six: "The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the treacherous are taken captive by their lust." And verse eleven echoes the comparison again, with one difference — the treacherous are described as the wicked: "By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown."

The "upright" person is a person of integrity. He lives, makes decisions and acts on the basis of unchanging moral principles. He does not base his conduct on present circumstance, prevailing culture or personal feelings about the matter at hand. As a result of his adherence to his principles, he is guided by them. The principles guide him, but he is not the servant of the principles. Instead, they serve him, allowing him to think, speak and act with consistency.

The treacherous or wicked person has no allegiance to principle. He is guided by desire or lust. He does whatever the circumstance or his feelings dictate. Instead of being a person of integrity or straightness, the treacherous person’s conduct is characterized by the word "crookedness."

As we might expect, the consequences of these character and conduct opposites are different as well. The righteous enjoy guidance as they navigate challenging circumstances. But the treacherous are destroyed by their own crookedness.

The same pair of characters are contrasted in verse 6 with similar outcomes. The righteousness of the upright delivers them; it rescues them from trouble. But the treacherous people are “taken captive by their lust."

Verse 11 contrasts the effects of these people on the society around them. The upright person's speech and conduct blesses the people around him. But those around the wicked person suffer humiliating defeat because of him.

The longer I live, the more I realize my need for guidance. I know I’m dependent on wisdom from outside myself to deal with challenging issues and situations. As a young preacher, I thought I knew a lot more about all questions and subjects than I actually did. Time and experience have taught me and humbled me to some degree. Have you had a similar progression of thought and behavior as you have aged?

I know I appreciate grace more now than ever before--grace to forgive me, grace to enable me to serve and grace to sustain me. I need someone stronger than me to deliver me not only from external challenges, but also from internal conflict. Is that the case with you?

I want to bless and not curse people in my path. I don't want to cause others to stumble and fall. I realize more than ever the weight of responsibility to be salt and light to people around me, and I need God’s wisdom to guide me.

For all these reasons and more, I want to be the upright person these words describe. Proverbs teaches practical ways to obey God, receive God's blessings and be a blessing to others. May God help us absorb and apply these words of wise counsel.

Copyright © 2021 by Michael B. McElroy. Used

by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—September 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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