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Today in God’s Word

September 23, Proverbs 19

Cease to hear instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.

- Proverbs 19:27

Many professions require those who work in them to take classes and update their skills and knowledge to remain competent. My son is a fully certified automotive technician. After years of experience and past training, he still takes courses offered by the manufacturer of the vehicles he repairs. He has to remain current with rapidly changing technology in the industry. My daughters are highly qualified in their professions, too. As educators, they too must keep learning to be the best teachers they can be. I have friends who are medical professionals. They are so knowledgable and experienced that I do not hesitate to trust them with my health care. But they can't continue to serve their patients well if they don’t continue to learn and take continuing education courses. Whether your job requires it or not, I hope you are a lifetime learner. This is nowhere more needed or important than in spiritual matters. An increasing knowledge of God's word and will for your life is a life-long adventure, privilege and responsibility.

Let's look at three verses from Proverbs 19 that stress the importance of knowing and continuing to learn. Verse 2 is a caution about the necessity of knowledge: "Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way." Have you ever been so excited and enthusiastic about some idea that you started without really knowing and understanding what you were supposed to do? Zeal is powerful fuel and it can help you go faster. But it's no substitute for knowledge that tells you which way to go. It doesn't matter how fast you can go if you're going the wrong way.

Then, verse 20 teaches another important point about continuing to learn: "Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future." What I learn today may not make much difference about foolish mistakes I've made in the past, except perhaps to understand why I failed. Today's lessons might make today better for me; I could possibly need the new information the very day I learn it. But the real value of learning today is that I can make steady progress and improvement in the future. That's important, even if I've been doing well. I need to keep learning and growing in knowledge and gaining wisdom for the challenges that lie ahead.

And then our text for today, verse 27: "Cease to hear instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge." The arrival syndrome is dangerous. A fellow who thinks he knows it all (and therefore stops taking opportunities to learn) is setting himself up to fail. A professional who quits learning may one day find himself unqualified, obsolete and unemployed.

There's no field of knowledge where this is more true than in spiritual matters. It is dangerous to stop learning more and more about God and his perfect will. We are in danger of becoming proud. We need open eyes, ears and heart to humbly learn more and more about God's character and nature. Perhaps you'd join me in admitting that we've made some progress, but we're still not nearly enough like Jesus to quit growing in grace and in knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The warning of verse 27 is ominous. It doesn't say something might happen as a result of being a learning dropout. It says if you quit hearing instruction, you will stray.

Let's devote ourselves to being lifelong Bible students. Let's faithfully attend worship services to be taught and encouraged. We're never too old or too smart or too spiritual to learn and grow.

Copyright © 2021 by Michael B. McElroy. Used

by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—September 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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