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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—March 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

March 28, Ephesians 4

The stream flowed past, fluid yet solid. On one side, the people waited, their gaze fixed on a single point above the heads of the people waiting on the other side. At the appointed moment, the swift flow of the stream stopped and the path appeared. On cue from the sign, the people stepped out and crossed over, passing strangers from the other side. As the time for the crossing ran out, the last stragglers climbed out of the channel seconds before the deadly flow resumed.

Did you guess the image? What did you see? Perhaps the children of Israel crossing the Jordan? No, this phenomenon is repeated thousands of times a day in cities around the world. The traffic stops, the pedestrians cross the streets, following the instructions of the Walk/Don’t Walk signs. This portion reminds me of those flashing electric signs, with the little animated walkers, the countdown clocks, but especially the ones I remember from my childhood, with the green “Walk” and the red “Don’t Walk” instructions.

Paul told the Ephesians not when, but how to “Walk” and “Don’t Walk.” The revealed mystery of the gospel and the privileges it brings to Jews and Gentiles alike call all the members of the body to “Walk” with humility, gentleness and in unity, using their gifts to build up the body. Paul also said “Don’t Walk” the way we used to, before coming to Christ. He said to “Walk” with a mind renewed by the knowledge of God and imitating his great love, and “Don’t Walk” in the dark futility of a disobedient, alienated life. He told them to “Walk” in telling the truth, respecting others’ property rights,

controlling their anger and their tongues, and “Don’t Walk” in a way marred by the corruption and impurity of the old life. See what I mean?

Here’s more clear evidence that a changed life will accompany a confession of Jesus as Lord. It’s the old self versus the new self, the way they used to walk contrasted with the way in which they were now supposed to walk. Other passages talk about dying to the old self and walking in newness of life, or putting off the old deeds of the flesh and putting on Christ, like a change of clothing. We’re called to be renewed, to be changed, and to become more and more like Christ.

It’s dangerous to walk when the “Don’t Walk” light is flashing. That river of steel, chrome and glass is hazardous to those who try to cross at the wrong time. In the same way, it is perilous and costly to walk where the Lord has said, “Don’t Walk.” God’s redeemed people should walk just as he calls us to “Walk.” Paul’s directives are for our good and God’s glory. The wise listen to warnings and appreciate them. Would you warn a fellow pedestrian? Would you appreciate a warning?

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament, Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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