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Today in God’s Word

October 5, Proverbs 31

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. - Proverbs 31:25

This is a chapter of paradoxes. In a book with multiple warnings to men about the dangers of being led astray by ungodly women, the book concludes with a long acrostic poem in praise of smart, strong godly women. The poem itself is paradoxical. It is used by so many preachers to praise godly womanhood at a woman’s funeral. But when women read about all this sister’s noble qualities, many of them feel inadequate when they measure themselves by this amazing woman's example.

We'll talk more about this woman in a few moments. But first, look at the opening lines of the chapter again. It's advice from a mother to a son who is a king. We don't know who Lemuel was, or where his kingdom might have been. But the queen mother talked plainly to her son. She warned him about dangers that would compromise his strength and judgment. She reminded him of his duty to be a powerful voice for people who have neither power nor voice in society. A noble king should defend the rights of his most helpless citizens. Any nation would be blessed to have as its leader such a clear-thinking, compassionate, upright person of integrity.

The woman described in the rest of the chapter is trustworthy, industrious and hardworking. She has considerable wealth. She buys and develops property in a time when most women would have lacked the resources and the opportunity to do that. She is generous and takes good care of her family. She is respected by her family, and her husband is respected by the community's leaders. She speaks with kindness and wisdom. Her sense of worth and honor is not in deceptive charm or fleeting physical beauty, but in her righteous regard for God.

It's no wonder that so many women feel inadequate by comparison. I believe that this poem is a composite of the most attractive and praiseworthy aspects of godly womanhood. It is not a checklist for a pass/fail grade. It presents an ideal that encourages self-examination and imitation.

Some men have held this celebration of excellence up to their wives and shamed them. There are plenty of character sketches of strong and godly men in Scripture that could be used in a similar way to humiliate and expose weakness and failure in men. But I believe godly examples are presented in the Bible not to destroy us, but to encourage and build us up. We can look at these virtuous and noble characters and find specific things we need to work on in our own lives. We can pray to God for grace to transform our hearts and lives in ways we need to grow and change.

But the line I want to ponder with you for a few moments is verse 25: "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." Here's a great example for women and men alike. Please consider two ideas about this with me.

Although this woman is a seamstress and has made beautiful clothes for herself, her family and for sale to others, it is her strong and dignified character that is said to clothe her. There's a saying that claims, "Clothes make the man." (Sounds to me like it was made up by some ancient advertising guy for a clothing manufacturer.) It's good to enjoy nice clothes. We feel better about ourselves when we’re "dressed up." But we must never forget that our real worth is in our heart and character, not in the clothing on our body.

And this dear woman "laughs at the time to come." She is not sick with worry about what will happen in the future. A news report does not alarm her. She knows a secret that gives her joy that cannot be shaken by ominous reports. She fears the LORD. She knows that her God is in control. She can face whatever lies ahead in life and even death itself with calm confidence. Her laughter is not coming from refusing to see reality. She sees the ultimate reality. Hers is not the shrill laughter of frivolity, but the relaxed confidence of trusting faith.

This book has taught us that a wise person listens to God, fears God, trusts God and obeys God. If you and I will live like that, we can laugh along with this lady, sharing her delightful secret.

Copyright © 2021 by Michael B. McElroy. Used

by permission. All rights reserved.

Today in God's Word—October 2024

East Tallassee Church of Christ

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