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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—March 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

March 29, Ephesians 5

Is anybody an original? Young people often wear a particular style of clothing or style their hair in some way to make a statement about their individuality. Influenced by entertainment figures or sports stars, they dress and talk like their heroes. These efforts to express themselves as individuals are almost comical since they’re imitating someone else and joining multitudes of other kids wearing the same fashion and talking the same way.

Adults are imitators, too. We may not pick our clothing based on what our favorite singer wears, but most of us have some sense of fashion rooted in admiration of some person or ideal. I’ve gone through seasons of oxford cloth button downs and khakis, dressing in all black and wearing Hawaiian shirts everywhere. (I liked that last one. People smile at you more often when you’re wearing an outrageous shirt, and it feels like you’re wearing your pajamas all the time.)

Paul called believers “children of light,” and called them to imitate God instead of the surrounding vulgar culture. The “Walk/Don’t Walk” motif crosses the chapter division, as Paul made more specific application of what it means to be a new person in Christ. A man or woman who has been called to new life in Christ walks in love and wisdom. Christians are supposed to walk in light, not in the moral darkness that characterizes the world.

In a clever play on words, Paul contrasted being under the influence of wine to being filled with the Holy Spirit. Instead of engaging in rowdy, uninhibited debauchery,

the children of light sing to one another and to the Lord with all their hearts. God’s children give their Father thanks, and selfishness is replaced with mutual submission.

The imitation impacts every part of life. When a woman honors her husband and a husband loves his wife in a conscious imitation of the relationship between Christ and the church, their marriage honors God’s design and blesses the partners. When lack of respect or lack of love casts a shadow across a marriage, the relationship is weakened and blessings are diminished or forfeited. In the cruel irony that accompanies most rebellion, a self-seeking marriage partner actually hurts himself by failing to honor his mate. Thinking we know better than God is as old as the garden of Eden, and forfeited blessings have been the price of our selfish declarations of independence.

If you’re married, or ever hope to be, please believe you can do the most and best for your marriage by listening to God’s counsel. Husband, love your wife sacrificially. Put her best interest ahead of your own. Wife, you can do more for your marriage by showing respect for your husband than by dishonoring him. Husbands and wives help their mates, their marriages and themselves by modeling the relationship after the union of Christ and his church. Whether you’re married, single, male or female, imitating God is the most blessed and holy way to live.

From The Abiding Companion: A Friendly Guide for Your Journey Through the New Testament, Copyright © 2010 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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