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Today in God’s Word

Today in God's Word—April 2023

East Tallassee Church of Christ

April 13, Ezra 10

”We have broken faith with our God and have married foreign women from the peoples of the land, but even now there is hope for Israel in spite of this. Therefore let us make a covenant with our God, according to the counsel of my lord, and of those who tremble at the commandment of our God, and let it be done according to the law." - Ezra 10:2-3

In all my years of being part of a local church as a member or a leader, I have encountered few leaders who publicly confessed doing wrong. I’ve heard very few preachers or elders acknowledge temptation, struggle, weakness or sin. With all due respect to those leaders I've been privileged to know through the years, I do not believe a policy of never admitting sin or weakness is very encouraging to those they teach and lead. It’s hard to identify with a man who seems untouched by the sin, temptation and struggles we face every day.

Ezra was not that kind of leader. Like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel who mourned over sin in dramatic gestures before the people of God, Ezra threw himself down and wept aloud. He did it, not to call attention to himself so much as to focus attention on the seriousness of sin. Like Lot who was vexed daily by the ungodliness of his neighbors, Ezra was aghast at the widespread sin of forbidden intermarriage with pagan peoples. His loud, dramatic prayer of confession and sorrow over sin brought a crowd together, and prompted Shecaniah to join the confession and propose a path back to God through repentance according to the Law. He spoke to Ezra, and encouraged the great leader to get up from his mourning. He exhorted his spiritual leader to be strong and lead them through the difficult process of separating from their pagan wives. Ezra did get up, and get a vow from the priests, Levites and the rest of the people that they would all do what Shecaniah had proposed.

It was the season of torrential rains. Also, it was a big task to identify all the men who had

married foreign women. Ezra appointed a group of leaders from all the families of Israel. They worked through their families and identified all the people who had to comply with the vow. After three months, 110 men were named and the whole group did what was necessary to separate themselves from the foreign wives.

Let's remember the main reasons why this intermarriage with the pagans around and among the Israelites was such a serious matter. The first reason is that God forbade it by plain commandment in the Law. Second, Israel’s identity was tied to being blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Their ancestry and place in the various tribes were matters of extreme importance to these people. When they intermarried with pagans, they mingled that blood line and confused practical matters such as inheritance. The third reason why this matter was so important and their transgression so serious was the danger of idolatry being reintroduced into Israel at the grassroots level of homes and families. It had happened in their history again and again. The reorganized remnant of the nation did net need the influence of paganism in their homes and family circles.

Ezra's leadership was exemplary to all who would lead God's people. He had authority to make demands of the people, but he chose to lead them in this difficult process by setting an example before them. That reminds me of how Peter told his fellow elders to be examples to the flock, not lords over God's heritage. The church today needs leaders who love God, God’s word and God’s people. We need leaders who are tenderhearted and humble. We need men who will both call people to repentance, and admit their own failures and sins. Those traits will encourage and motivate the people they lead to be humble before God and one another. Such leaders help us all to bear each other’s burdens and encourage one another to do what is right.

Copyright © 2023 by Michael B. McElroy. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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